My Beach Boys Page
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Welcome To My Home Page For Mike Love & Bruce Johnston
Hello, My name is Justin Evans. I am an 18 year old Beach Boys fan. I have enjoyed listening to them since I was in the 2nd grade. Infact I have all their 60's 70's 80's & 90's releases that they came out with so far. Including the very rare 1992 release of Summer In Paradise.

I would like to thank Meagan and Stephanie Bonzo for giving me the VIP pass for the Beach Boys concert in Ashland, Ky. July 5th, 2002
My experiences with The Beach Boys
I have seen Mike Love & Bruce Johnston (The Beach Boys Band) 2 times. Once in Grove City (Columbus) Ohio on June 24, 2000 at the big bear balloon festival. I had front row on the right side of the stage.(Great Pictures)After the concert I got Mike Loves setlist. Great Show Mike & Bruce!!

On July 5, 2002 I saw the Beach Boys in Ashland, Kentucky. I got great pictures. I also met Mike and Bruce for the first time. I ran into bruce before the show and had him sign my hat The whole band signed it including Mike Love and Adrian Baker plus the rest. They were nicer than I inspected cause bruce and Adrian talked to me for a wile before the show. After the show I got Mike Love's & Bruce Johnston's setlists. Great show Mike & Bruce Hope to see and meet you again!
Picture Above
This is My Autographed Beach Boys hat signed by Mike, Bruce and the rest of the band with the news paper program for their concert at Summer Motion in Ashland Kentucky July 5, 2002.

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check out my concert pictures from the July 5, 2002 concert in Ashland Kentucky by clicking on Photo Page

Picture Above
A Close Up of my Autographed Beach Boys Hat.